Earthquake Watch

A demonstration of how the Planets affect our Earth from an Alchemist's viewpoint.
Compare these charts, to the Gold Making charts, to see how Cosmic energies affect our Laboratory Work.

"Sun and moon trigger deep tremors on San Andreas Fault",
according to a new study by University of California, Berkeley, seismologists,
by Robert Sanders, Media Relations, 2009: article


Astronomy is used to locate the Planets and Stars, and Astrology to chart their positions. One way to learn about the Cosmic Energies is to study the charts to observe the relative flow of Planetary mass, in the form of electro-magnetic and gravitational influences, on the fabric of Space/Time within our Solar System. This is only one Energy type of interest to Alchemist's during Laboratory Work, but it is the easiest to observe. A good example is the Moon's tidal affect on Earth's Oceans.

There are many approaches to consider when analyzing Earthquake activity. Science is beginning to understand that the electro-magnetic gravitational fields of the Sun (and Sun spots), Moon, Jupiter, and Saturn, may be important factors. We know through science that pressures naturally build due to tectonic, and volcanic activity. In many active locations pressures are released more regularly in the form of tremors and quakes of less than 4.0 magnitude. Sometimes, energy collects as sections of the Earths' crust get stuck against each other, or lava becomes obstructed by mountains. This builds enormous tensions that can suddenly release, resulting in a large Earthquake - and sometimes a tsunami can follow.

My theory is that the push and/or tug of gravitational and electro-magnetic energies generated in Space, and directed through Planetary movement towards the Earth, can act like a proverbial "straw that broke the Camels back". If there are unreleased stored pressures in a fault zone, this electro-magnetic/gravitational cosmic tug is likely to trigger a seismic event. Add to that the metal deposits often found at fault locations that may enhance the affect of the Planets. Similar to the currents of a River, using Astrological charting methods, these flows can be observed and special care can be taken on Active days. Unfortunately, main stream Science has yet to find the Math to explain these hypothesis.

The Galactic Center is also gradually becoming a factor in fault, and volcanic activity, as earthquakes occur more often. In December of 2012, on the 21st, the Sun will be between the Earth and the Galactic Center's Black Hole. The Sun will bend and focus this immense energy directly on the Earth. For a visual explanation of the Galactic alignment see the 2012 Alignment Info.

I have put together a short series of Ancient or modern Alchemical Astrology Charts to show how the stress of Inter-planetary relationships may trigger Earthquakes 4.0 magnitude and greater, with a high percentage that are over 6.0. Compare the Watch Date charts to the Historical Dates charted in the bottom section of this page.

Some will claim that earthquakes happen frequently around the world, but their intensity may augmented by Planetary activity. Please, examine my findings, and judge for yourself.


Pending predictions:
6 July 2020 - Monday *
Past Watch Dates Results:
11 April 2013:     true - 8.6 in Aceh, (Indonesia)
25 April 2013     true - 5.0 in Kuril Islands
26 April 2013     true - 5.9 in Kermadec Islands region
    (27 April 2013: not predicted but close ...
    true - 4.9 in Volcano Islands
    true - 4.8 in Papua
    true - 4.8 in Fiji region
    true - 4.5 in Costa Rica
    true - 4.0 in Nias region)
28 November 2012 - Wednesday *
4 June 2012 - Monday - 6.2 - south of Panama
20 May 2012 - Sunday - Italy - 5.9, unusual pattern of liquefaction.
26 October 2011 - Wednesday - Turkey, 4.3
14 July 2011 - Thursday - English Channel, magnitude 3.9, the first to strike a 25km region in 300 years.
(15 July, Chile, 6.0.
16 July, Alaska, 6.1.
17 July, Canary Islands, 8000+ small earthquakes.)

13 May 2011 - Friday * - Japan, 6.1 magnitude.
Costa Rica, 6.0.
(14 May, Afghanistan, 6.0.
15 May, Papua New Guinea, 6.5.)

3 April 2011 - Sunday * - Java 6.7, Fiji 6.2
8 March 2010 - Monday * - Turkey, 6.0 magnitude.
16 March 2010 - Tuesday * - L. A., 4.4 magnitude.
22 March 2010 - Monday * - Philippines, 5.9 magnitude
29 March 2010 - Monday * - Libertador, Chile, 5.3 magnitude
22 September 2010 - Wednesday * - Chincha Alta, Peru, 5.9 magnitude
Predictions with no reported activity:
Charting Coordinates 36° 58'N 89° 52' W,
New Madrid Fault, North America.

* = see chart below

Earthquakes have been on the increase since the later part of the 20th Century. Around the Globe there are dozens of Earthquakes everyday.

The frequency of Earthquakes have leveled off recently as Sun Spot activity has dropped to an all time low. This quiet-time has lasted longer than any recorded Sun Spot inactivity period. Sun Spots discharge vast amounts of Solar Radiation that cycle from high to low, and from low to high. It takes 22 years to come full circle, each half being approximately 11 years according to recent recorded observations.

It is my opinion that when the Sun Spots begin their new Cycle, and as the Galactic Center continues to line up with the disk of our Solar System, earthquakes are likely to increase in intensity, and frequency. 2012 Alignment Graphic.

Earthquakes - Current statistics, U.S. Geological Survey.
Calculator - Sun Spot activity graphs for any date.

Earthquake Watch Dates with Charts

  quake chart - prediction - greenwich 6-7-2020 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Earthquake Watch Date - On, or about, Monday, July 6, 2020.

Here we can see that Jupiter, Saturn, and the Full Moon close to the ecliptic, line up opposite the Sun. This is one of the strongest arrangement of planetary influences possible. This could trigger a rather big earth quake where there's stored energy in the crust. (This chart is similar to the 9.5 magnitude quake in Valdivia, Chile, 22 May 1960 - see below.)

The Laboratory Function is Incineration.
The Sun is in a positive Zodiac Sign.
The Moon is Full.
The energies are neutral (13+, 13-) with very even elemental influences.

quake chart - prediction - greenwich 6-7-2020 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Past Predicted Earthquake Watch Date Results

quake chart - prediction - 13 Dec 2016 - graphic by Solar System Scope - arrows added by timothy a wilkerson


Earthquake Watch Date - On, or about, Tuesday, December 13, 2016.

6.0 earthquake struck offshore of the United States trust territory of the Northern Mariana Islands on December 14.

Here we can see that Saturn, and the Moon, line up on either side of the Sun.

The Laboratory Function is Congelation.
The Moon is Full.
The energies are passive (13+, 19-) with more Earth influences.

20DEC2016 - quake chart - prediction - graphic by Solar System Scope

Following date for this Moon cycle - 20 December 2016.
6.4 earthquake struck the Solomon Islands 81 km (50 mi) west northwest of Kirakira on December 20.

25DEC2016 - quake chart - prediction - graphic by Solar System Scope

Following date for this Moon cycle - 25 December 2016.
A magnitude 7.6 earthquake struck Chile's Chiloé Island 41 km (25 mi) southwest of Quellón on December 25.

quake chart - prediction - madrid 11-28-2012 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

On the 28th there were
30 earthquakes over 4.0.
Between 11-26 and 11-30 there were
27 earthquakes over 5.0, one was 5.9,
and 113 under 4.0.
(4 days later: A magnitude 6.4 earthquake struck Vanuatu on December 2, at a depth of 34.1 km.)


Earthquake Watch Date - Wednesday, November 28, 2012.

Closest Date to 12-21-2012, the end of the Mayan Calendar.

Prediction - Here we can see that Jupiter and the Moon line up opposite the Sun.
Saturn teams up with Venus and Mercury, as they pull away from the Earth at less than a 30° angle to the major Sun / Jupiter flow. The galactic center and Mars are pushing towards Earth on the other side of the Jupiter Moon alignment.

This could be a good day for congelating a Vegetable Stone
- if there isn't an Earthquake that is.

The Laboratory Function is Congelation.
The Sun is in a negative Zodiac Sign.
The Moon is Full.
There are slightly more active energies (13+, 12-) with a focus on Earth and Water, an impulse of Fire, and a united Air influence.
Jupiter is near the Ascendant (the eastern horizon), and Saturn is near the Descendant (the western horizon) , with a clear Mid Heaven.
(Opposite to the 1811 and 2010 charts.)

NOTE: The Galactic Center is near the Descendant.


PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Friday, May 13, 2011.

Date of interest Date of interest

13 May 2011 - Friday * - Japan, 6.1 magnitude.

Prediction - This date begins a 3 day watch period when volcanoes, earthquakes over 6.0, and extreme weather conditions are likely.
A rare occassion where electro-magnetic fields are bent by, and around, the Sun with the alignment of; Saturn, Moon, Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Jupiter, all near the midheaven, and approximately at a 90° angle to the galactic center.

This is a good day for laboratory work, or for starting a new project.

The laboratory function is distillation.
The Sun is in a positive zodiac sign.
There are more positive energies (9+, 6-) with an aggressive broad spectrum focus on fire,
with a changing and disruptive influence of analytical earth.
NOTE: The Star Mirach is placed in the middle of this alignment, between Mercury and Mars.
Mirach's influence is receptive and furtile, located in Andromeda.


PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Sunday, April 3, 2011.

Date of interest

M6.4 - Fiji region - 2011-04-03 • 14:07:09 UTC • 17.642° S • 178.585° W • 551.7 km depth

Prediction - This date begins a 5 day watch period when volcanoes, earthquakes over 6.0, and extreme weather conditions are likely.
A rare occassion where the strongest gravitational waves extend through Saturn, Earth, Moon, Sun, and Jupiter,
and are approximately at a 90° angle to the galactic center, Venus, and the midheaven.

This is not a good day for laboratory work, or for starting any new project.

The laboratory function is projection.
The Sun is in a negative zodiac sign.
The Moon is new.
There are more negative energies (7+, 14-) with a relaxed broad spectrum focus on water,
a pleasant dash of concentrative air, and a disruptive analyical earth influence.
Jupiter is near the decendant, conjunct to the Sun and Moon, and Saturn is near the ascendant,
with both of these highly gravitational planets squared to the mid heaven.
(Similar to the 1811 charts, Saturn and Jupiter are reversed in the order of alignment.)

NOTE: The Galactic Center is near the Descendant.

quake chart - prediction - madrid 3-8-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Turkey, 6.0 magnitude.

PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Monday, March 8, 2010.

Prediction - The image on the left predicts, Tuesday, March 8, 2010, as an Earthquake Watch date.

This deduction is simply based on the similarity to other Earthquake charts, especially the 1811 chart (bottom). Although I am using the latitude and longitude of New Madrid, Missouri, for my predictions, earthquakes are a global phenomenon. I advise heightened preparedness in any current, or previously active, earthquake areas, including areas that frequently experience small quakes, tremors, or after-shocks following a recent quake.

Here we can see that Jupiter and Saturn are reversed from the 1811 chart. Since Jupiter is not opposite the Sun, the affect will hopefully be milder than during the 1811 Earthquakes. The Moon is inline with the Galactic Center, near the Midheaven and the North Node.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is conjunct the Moon.

quake chart - prediction - madrid 3-16-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

L. A., 4.4 magnitude.
Not large, but in a populated area where a warning would be appreciated.

PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Tuesday, March 16, 2010.

Prediction - The image on the left predicts, Tuesday, March 16, 2010, as an Earthquake Watch date.

This deduction is simply based on the similarity to other Earthquake charts, especially the 1811 chart (bottom). Although I am using the latitude and longitude of New Madrid, Missouri, for my predictions, earthquakes are a global phenomenon. I advise heightened preparedness in any current, or previously active, earthquake areas.

Here we can see that Jupiter and Saturn are reversed. Since Jupiter is not opposite the Sun, the affect will hopefully be milder than during the 1811 Earthquakes.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is near the Mid Heaven

quake chart - prediction - madrid 3-22-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Philippines, 5.9 magnitude.

PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Monday, March 22, 2010.

Prediction - The image on the left predicts, Monday, March 22, 2010, as an Earthquake Watch date. Note the similarity to historical earthquakes charted below (bottom).

NOTE: The Galactic Center is 90° to the Gravitational Flow.

quake chart - prediction - madrid 3-29-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Libertador, Chile, 5.3 magnitude.

PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Monday, March 29, 2010.

Prediction - The image on the left predicts, Monday, March 29, 2010, as an Earthquake Watch date. Note the similarity to historical earthquakes charted below (bottom).

NOTE: The Galactic Center is 90° to the Gravitational Flow.

quake chart - prediction - madrid 9-22-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Chincha Alta, Peru, 5.9 magnitude.

PAST / TRUE - Earthquake Watch Date - Wednesday, September 22, 2010.

Prediction - The image on the left predicts, Wednesday, September 22, 2010, as an Earthquake Watch date. Note the similarity to the 1811 historical earthquake below (bottom).

NOTE: The Galactic Center is 90° to the Gravitational Flow.

Actual Recent & Historical Earthquake Dates

Earthquake - Chile - Saturday, February 27, 2010.
This earthquake area is on top of a subduction Zone.

Earthquake - Chile - Sunday, May 22, 1960.
This earthquake area is on top of an Induction Zone.

quake chart - historical - chile  02-27-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson  quake chart - historical - chile  05-22-1960 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

The chart above is for the recent Earthquake in Chile.
Epicenter Concepcion, Chile.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is near 90° to the Gravity Flow.

The chart above is for the 1960 historical Earthquake in Chile.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is Conjunct Jupiter, inline with the Gravity Flow.

quake chart - historical - haiti-01-12-2010 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Earthquake - Haiti - Tuesday, January 12, 2010.
This earthquake is located in an active volcanic area.

This is the chart for the recent Earthquake in Haiti.

A strong force from Saturn to Jupiter holds the Earth in it's embrace while the combined influence of the Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon and Mars quickly twist and shift the Earth's tectonic plates.

Haiti is near a volcanically active area where the plates are moving against
one another. They are probably sensitive to strong angular twisting forces.

The New Madrid fault, on the other hand, is where the continent is pulling apart and it appears to be sensitive to focused oppositional forces.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is opposite the Mid Heaven, and conjunct the Moon.

quake chart - historical - San Francisco-10-17-1989 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Earthquake - San Francisco - Tuesday, October 17, 1989.

This is the chart for the last big Earthquake in San Francisco, California, U.S.A.

A strong force from Saturn to Jupiter holds the Earth in it's embrace while the combined influence of the Sun, Mercury, and Mars, coaxed by Venus and the Moon, quickly twist and shift the Earth's tectonic plates.

San Francisco is near a tectonically active area where the plates are moving against one another. They are probably sensitive to strong angular twisting forces like those present in the Haiti chart.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is on the Mid Heaven.

quake chart - historical - madrid 1811 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson 

Earthquake of 1811- New Madrid, Missouri, U.S.A..

The image on the left depicts the first of four 7+ magnitude Earthquakes that began on Monday, December 16,1811, in New Madrid, Missouri.

Jupiter (2.5 x Earth Gravity) is pulling on the Earth in the opposite direction of the Sun (27 x) plus the Moon (.16 x) plus Saturn (.9 x).

For more 1811-1812 Earthquake info visit the U.S. Geological Survey website.

NOTE: The Galactic Center is conjunct the Sun, and near Saturn.

quake chart - historical - japan 2011 - graphic by timothy a wilkerson 

Earthquake, March 11, 2011- Japan - tsunami creates nuclear disaster.

Note how close the Earth is to the line between Jupiter, Sun and Saturn - with the Moon pulling perpendicular to the line. I did not predict this event, but I will be watching for similar situations in the future.

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astrology symbol key code - graphic by timothy a wilkerson

Astrology Symbol Key Code