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Butterflies eating trace minerals on their migration.


In the Spring, this creek comes to life. In mid summer it goes underground and becomes almost completely dry, but every year life returns to the waters with an abundance of turtles, frogs, toads, crayfish, creek chubs, lizards, and snakes.

wild turkey

Flocks of wild turkeys often forage in the fields. You're more likely to view them if you wake up in the early hours just after dawn. If they see you, you won't see them for very long though. I just barely snapped the photo before this bird vanished into the forest.




••• NOTICE •••

Students under 18 years old must be accompanied by, and attend class with, a parent or legal guardian.


A salamander, one of the wonderful creatures who share the land with us. A few of the other wild residents include a family of groundhogs, deer, racoons, humming birds, coyotes, owls, hawks, eagles, bats, fireflies, luna moths, large walking sticks, and many more.

Laughing Lady Bug Botanicals

Sponsored in part by,
  Laughing Lady Bug Botanicals  

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HOME ..... Midwest Herb School

INSTRUCTORS ..... Tim Wilkerson, Cricket Owens

COURSES ..... six courses, four meditations

PHOTOS PAST ..... 1st annual 2013, 2nd annual 2014

REGISTRATION ..... via paypal

CHECK LIST ..... things to bring - some required

CONTACT ..... via email

Midwest Herb Fest ..... annual event in August

Alchemy Astrology ..... for practical laboratory use

milkweed butterfly

Milkweed with a butterfly.


Numerous four-leaf clovers have been found, and a few five and six-leaf clovers as well. It's a very lucky place.